Professional path

10/2016- to-dateDirector / Secretary General of INTERCARGO, after joining the Association as Deputy Secretary General in 09/2016.

During his time:

Ø The Association’s Membership more than doubled to over 1/3 of the global fleet to cur

Ø The budget of the Association more than doubled, while its reserves more than tripled

Ø The Secretariat’s size increased by 50% and it moved to independent offices

Ø Delivered numerous high profile interventions on behalf of INTERCARGO at the IMO (International Maritime Organization) meetings of 175 Member States and over 80 NGOs, on shipping’s environmental soundness, decarbonisation, energy efficiency, and sustainability among other maritime policy matters

Ø Apart from serving as member of INTERCARGO’s Board (Management Committee), he is also member of the Green Award Board, the Roundtable of Shipping Associations CEOs, the industry leaders of the ‘Together in Safety’ initiative, and the Korean Register European Committee

Ø The Association co-sponsored over 100 papers submitted to IMO, issued over 100 media releases, and enjoyed numerous references in maritime media; also its LinkedIn followers increased by 15 times. The new website of the Association was designed and launched, over 30 industry seminars were organised

Ø Played a leading role in establishing a new industry standard called DryBMS (a term he coined)

Ø  Was appointed (2020) as reviewer of the IMO 4th Greenhouse Gas Study

Ø The Association’s first-ever ESG Review (2024) and the (first six) Annual Review 2023/2024, Annual Review 2022/2023, Annual Review 2021/2022, Annual Review 2020/2021, Annual Review 2019/2020, and Annual Review 2018/2019 were produced, as well as the  ‘Dry Bulk Shipping: Sustainably serving the world’s essential needs’  2021 video & 2020 video.

Ø Introduced and conceptualised the organization’s approach on  Sustainability and ESG issues .


The International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO)  (established 1980) represents the interests of quality dry bulk cargo shipowners and has been participating with consultative status at IMO since 1993. INTERCARGO provides the forum where dry bulk shipowners, managers and operators are informed about, discuss and share concerns on key topics and regulatory challenges, especially in relation to safety, the environment and operational excellence. INTERCARGO together with ICS, INTERTANKO and BIMCO form the Round Table of International Shipping Associations.

10/2011-06/2016: In charge of energy shipping research with Barry Rogliano Salles in Paris, France 

Ø  Introduced new modelling-forecasting, strategic and operational analysis tools

Ø  Delivered numerous specialised studies on Newbuilding, Sale&Purchase, tanker, LNG, and offshore sectors

Ø  Offered intelligence and critical evaluation of the energy shipping markets

Ø  Delivered articles and presentations/speeches at conferences & clients, promoting business development

12/2005-10/2011: Associate (Laboratory for Maritime Transport – NTUA), Athens, Greece

Ø  Ph.D. (2009) – National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering – Laboratory for Maritime Transport

Ø  “Analysis of Competition & Strategic Investments in the LNG market” (2009), PhD Thesis, NTUA

Ø  Publication selection by SNAME (2012), as Archival Paper of exceptional quality (SNAME Transactions Vol. 120)

Ø  Lloyd’s List Greek Shipping Awards (2008 & 2010) as member of the Laboratory for Maritime Transport, NTUA

Ø  Elected (2012) Honorary Associate Member of the Institute of Energy for South East Europe

Ø Participated in a number of Research projects among which “Ship Total Energy-Emissions-Economy: Tankers’ modelling”, “Effective Bulk Transport”, “EU-MOP” (Elimination Units for Marine Oil Pollution)

Ø  Economics of Maritime Transport, teaching assistant (2006-2009)

Ø  introduced and was the Editor of the Laboratory’s electronic newsletter.

04/2011-09/2011: Associate (Maritime Studies – NYC), Athens, Greece

11/2010-03/2011: Associate (Strategy – Greek Public Gas Company – DEPA S.A.), Athens, Greece

Ø  Assisted in the formulation of a newly introduced annual business plan and a 5-year strategic plan

09/2004- 09/2005: Research studies at International Centre for Shipping, Trade and Finance – Cass Business School (City University London)

Ø  “G. Drogari” scholarship (2004) (awarded by Hellenic Petroleum S.A.)

11/2002-09/2004: Energy Consultant (Exergia S.A.), Athens, Greece

        Ø  Participated in a number of energy projects with emphasis on the natural gas markets, such as “Review of the Greek Electricity and Gas Market”, “Technical Assistance for the Co-operation of the Energy Regulatory Authorities of S.E. Europe”, “Greek Public Gas Company – Market Study”, “Natural Gas Power Plant feasibility study”

01/2001-10/2002: Reserve Lieutenant (Greek Army): Reserve Lieutenant

Ø   Graduate of the Technical Corps Reserve Officers’ School (Greek Army, military service).

09/1999-09/2000: M.Sc. in International Business – UMIST, Manchester School of Management (Manchester Business School)

Ø  “E. Kapsalaki” scholarship (1999) (awarded by NTUA)

Ø  G.M.A.T. top 8% (1999) (Graduate Management Admission Test, score 670)

Ø  “International Project Finance in the Energy Sector” (2000), M.Sc. Dissertation, UMIST

11/1998-08/1999: Technical Associate (Energy Consulting for Network Ltd. Consulting Group), Greece

07/1998-08/1998: Trainee (Greek Public Gas Company – DEPA S.A.), Athens, Greece

09/1993-02/1999: “Diploma” (M.Eng.) in Mechanical Engineering – NTUA (specialization in energy)

Ø   Degree mark: 8.10 (scale of 10), “Very Good”, top 5% of year’s graduates

Ø  “A study of no-steady flow in the Greek National Natural Gas Pipeline System” (1999), Diploma Thesis, NTUA